Thursday, May 16, 2024

CAGD 373 Sprint Review 2

    Sprint 3 (4/10–4/16), my second one, was relatively relaxed compared to the mountainous first sprint. During this sprint I UV-d and textured the mounted turret. The UVs required a few topographical touch-ups, but overall didn’t prove to be too difficult, just a little time consuming. When it came to the texture, I took a lot of advantage of normal and height maps to get the details I wanted, such as the vents on the barrel of the gun.

With this texture I also got to use some brush layers. I used a simple brush to put some dark scorch marks on the front of the gun, to give the impression of its use. I also used a brush to put the tan paint on the handles of the gun. Inspired by how physical artists give the impression of texture and wear, I used a sponge-y eraser to make the paint look chipped away with wear. The last element of the texture was using an alpha to put some text on the gun where appropriate.

I didn’t do as much work during this sprint as the others, but I probably needed a break after how much work the first sprint was for me. I recognize that having a large team was the reason I could spend so much time focusing on a single model—however, it was certainly a model that require that level of attention. Overall I took on some more general work going forwards, and everything worked out alright as we got all the modeling and texturing done with time to spare.

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