Thursday, May 16, 2024

CAGD 373 Game Scene Review 1


Since the first sprint was just getting into groups and deciding on a game scene, the “first” sprint where I completed cards was actually sprint 2 (4/3–4/9). During this sprint I had a single yet goliath task: modeling the mounted turret. 

Since I’ve never played Halo Reach before, the first step for me was collecting reference. I ended up using a lot of different references for this model because it looks different from the different angles. I tried to find a good side-view of the left and right sides, a three-quarter view, a top view, and even a back view. While these were immensely helpful, I still had a hard time telling how the inner cylinder of the gun was supposed to be shaped, since in all renderings it’s obscured by the shadows.

This was my first time making a prop this complex, and trying to make it all as one mesh definitely slowed things down. On my future props of a similar complexity, I made a blockout first before tackling them, just making sure each piece lines up on their seams. That being said, I’m still super proud of how the mounted turret turned out. I think I managed to capture the important details of the original model in a recognisable way. While studying the Halo turret, I noticed their attention to detail with how the gun parts slot together, and tried to follow that along to make sure I got each part. It was still very time consuming and I was quite stressed, but I learned a lot that would make my models better going forwards—and I ended up with a pretty cool model.

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