Sunday, February 27, 2022

CAGD 170 Solitaire Postmortem

 I am Milo Bruschke from Group 4. For our Solitaire mod, our group changed the rules in three main ways. First, we changed the objective to be to collect only the royal cards,  listed as the king, queen, and jack of each suit. Second, we changed the behavior of these cards, so that any number card can be played on top of them, but will need to be discarded if it remains on the royal card when it is collected. Third, we reorganized the tableau and stock pile, to make the tableau much bigger and transform the stock pile into a six card hand.

These game mechanics were intended to develop this emergent play: without a great deal of luck, players probably won't be able to uncover enough of the tableau to succeed unless they utilize the royal cards as spaces to play number cards on. So the player can "sacrifice" cards by getting them discarded in order to uncover more space. This forces the player to take risks; moving a number card onto a royal card will uncover extra space on the tableau, but could mean the player misses out on a card they'll need later on.

There's several ways for the player to approach this. A player could just play risky and sacrifice cards, although this might harm them later on. A player could mitigate this risk by sacrificing only low-value cards, such as aces or twos. Alternatively, a player can sacrifice multiple cards at once, getting rid of as much as possible to clear lots of space on the tableau. Or, the safest strategy is to move number cards atop royal ones only temporarily until a different position can be found for it. Because of this complex emergent mechanic of "sacrificing," players can approach the problem in a variety of different ways. They can play risky or safe. 

Through our playtesting, we found that these core mechanics worked really well. We came up with the concept pretty early on and built the rest of the game around it. The iterative design process mostly served to help balance the game. For example, our original version had a ten card hand. However, this meant it was too easy for players to rely on it instead of using the risky royal cards. So for our second version, we reduced the hand down to 6.

During our playtest with another group, they initially found the game very challenging. We intended for the sacrifice mechanic to be something the player learns how to do after some trial and error, so the play-testers found the first time playing fairly difficult. To help fix this problem, we added a visual explaining how sacrificing cards works, as well as some written tips to help guide new players along.

Project completion was pretty easy and efficient for our group. Because we developed a solid core concept early on, most of the work was just writing up the rules and revising them. This was only about a page of writing and we completed it pretty quickly. The other work for our project was creating graphics for the rule sheet. This was also carried out in a timely matter.

Overall, this project was a fun experience that taught us the importance of communication between game designers and players. We developed a unique game through playtesting and refined it both in balancing and in clarity of objectives and mechanics to players. Getting other people to playtest your game can help find flaws in how the game is explained, as you the developer, who is already very familiar with how the game works, might not be able to catch that.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

CAGD 170 Solitaire Mod

I was part of Group 4. For this project, we were tasked with developing a mod for the card game solitaire. I used to play solitaire a lot as a kid, so I was already very familiar with the game.

My initial instinct was to think simple: come up with one or two major changes and make minor tweaks afterwards to match. To be honest, after a few minutes of rearranging the cards around, my partner and I came up with a core idea: instead of organizing and then collecting all the cards in the deck, the player instead had to unearth a smaller number of cards from a larger pile. This ended up being the twelve royal cards, giving the game a sort of "revolution" theme, trying to seek out the royalty attempting to hide among the populous.

To make the tableau a much bigger place for the royal cards to hide in, the stock pile was greatly reduced. For our first version, the tableau was 7x6 cards (because as a Hitchhiker's Guide fan, I can't resist the allure of 42), and so the stock pile only had 10. From there, it made more sense to just have it as a hand from which all cards can be used at any time.

Through playtesting this seemed to work quite well, and a few other rules followed just from playing around and seeing what would be most interesting. These rules were being able to play anything on a royal card, but losing it to the discard pile when the royal card is collected. The idea really just came about while playing, but in the first version of the game, there was no real need to use this. Any time the player might get stuck, it's easier to make the safe play of using a card from your hand to continue sorting the cards. It doesn't make sense to run the risk of building a pile on a royal card that you will eventually need to destroy when you collect the card.

So after playing version 1 a few times, my partner and I came to one main conclusion: it's too easy. The game probably sounds complicated hearing it, but if anything it's simplified compared to regular solitaire. Your goal is simpler and so are your tools.

So for version 2, we reduced the hand further and therefore increased the tableau. The hand now only has 6 cards. It can't be symmetrical anymore, but after some testing, we adjusted the cards in the tableau to be embrace the asymmetry found in the base game. This makes the short pile of only 5 an optimal starting place.

For a visual, here's the version 2 board design:

After another round of testing, this felt too difficult, so we proposed one last clever tweak: when dealing out the hand, aces get re-shuffled back into the deck. This way, every card in your hand might be useful to you. However, it's still pretty limited.

The added difficulty makes the player engage with its unique system. Players may oftentimes face a dilemma: should I collect this royal card now, or leave it in case it is needed to maneuver cards later? Should I stack cards on top of it and risk having them permanently discarded?

Because solitaire asks the player to sort every card, every card is needed. So discarding cards early greatly increase the likelihood of having to discard more cards in the same way later. This emergent system forces the player to have to choose the best way to use their resources: using them for complex plays, or using them to further the immediate goal.

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